Omega-3 Golden Flax
100% Semulajadi dari tumbuh-tumbuhan.
100% Asli Golden Flax tidak ada bahan campuran.
Tiada - GMO
Tiada - Refined
Tiada - Colorant
Tiada - Gula atau pemanis buatan.
Tiada - Bahan pengawit.
Kaya dengan vitamin and mineral
Cardiac-Protective (Heart Disease)
Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
Reverses arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries)
Reduces heart attacks, sudden cardiac death & stroke by 70%
Lowers blood pressure
Lowers Breast Cancer Risks
Controls Diabetes
Balances essential fatty acids
Relieves Menopausal Symptoms
Natural Laxative as Colon Cleanser
Boosts Children’s IQ and Improves Behavior
Controls Candidiasis
Richest Source of ALA (an essential Omega-3 fatty acid)
Equivalent to 480 times of cooked salmon fish
A higher ALA intake was associated with a lower risk of fatal ischemic heart disease (Cardiovascular Health Study)
ALA-rich diet was linked with a 70% reduction in heart attacks and cardiac deaths (Lyon Diet Heart Study)
ALA intake was inversely related to risk of death from CVD, CHD and all causes (MRFIT Study)
Richest Source of plant lignan, SDG (secoisolariciresinol diglycoside)
A powerful antioxidant and phytoestrogen
800 times more concentration than the nearest competitor
37,000 times more concentration than the oatmeal.
High Dietary Fiber Profile of 28 %
Highly recommended diet for diabetes with fiber-rich profile and low carb of 6%
Complete Protein Profile of 21 %, including the 8 essential amino acids
Rich in natural vitamins
Beta-carotene – 4,300 IU per tablespoon, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 B6, Vitamin C, Folic acid and Biotin
Rich in plant minerals
Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Tin, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Zinc and Selenium
What are the biological effects of ALA on human health?
What is the optimum daily intake of ALA recommended by world fatty acids scientists?
3. What are the adverse effects on human health by imbalance of essential fatty acids?
4. How would ALA & SDG help to improve or even reverse your heart condition?
5. How would ALA & SDG help to lower breast cancer risks?
Note: The above infomation is used only for education purposes and should not be taken as medical advice and treatment of diseases. B17 centre 012 9642466